Future Manifestation Of A Successful Lawyer Towards A Digitally Driven Future

Future Manifestation Of A Successful Lawyer Towards A Digitally Driven Future
Legal Industry and the Enhancement of the Technology Towards the Progressive Development In An Amicable Manner

Working Nature Of The Legal Persons  And The Legal Industry:

Lawyers are advocates and advisors for our society. Lawyers starting their Careers abroad typically work for either a private law firm or a Public Service Oriented Organization, Such as an Ngo or International Court. They work to represent individuals and Corporations in Civil trials, and to Promote Justice in Criminal trials. Attorneys work as advisors to their Clients, informing them of their rights, the Processes of law and help them navigate Sometimes the tricky legal system. Litigators travel more than corporate attorneys.

Digitalization Of The Legal Knowledge:

Lawyers being replaced by AI( Artificial Intelligence) is the Classic fear and fortunately it’s unfounded. Rather than replacing lawyers, AI will automate certain aspects of lawyer’s Jobs, typically the most routine ones. As a result, lawyers will have more time to focus on other tasks and accomplishments. It is the reality that lawyer cannot be replaced by technology. Technology in the digital age has put businesses face-to-face with a whole new set of challenges. The digital age has been of great benefit. Within the law industry, technology and the internet have necessarily had a Positive effect. Electronic Discovery ,also known as E-discovery is an electronic strategy involving the collecting of electronically stored information for law suits and investigations. This includes such formats as websites, Social media, emails, documents and video files.



Blooming Technology Driven Towards Lego-sapiens:

These technologies can be a bit complex which includes meta data, Subsequently which marks the time and date of a file, author and recipient information, and file properties. Mobile Phones also act as a brilliant recording device. They can help both clients and attorneys to build cases with more solid evidence. Diverse groups can now access legal advice and resources through the Online Platforms Expanding Communities. The Internet has stretched its foot from one pole to another and touching almost lives of every human being. The Internet, with all the benefits of anonymity, reliability and convenience has become an appropriate breeding place for persons interested in making use of the net for illegal purposes, either monetary or otherwise.

Since anything related to the Internet was being prefixed with the word “Cybercrime”, by its very terminology, restricts itself to the offences committed on the internet. Cybercrime deeply impinges upon the every sphere of an individual’s life. Cybercrime posses the lack of respect for jurisdictional boundaries, openness to participation ,the potential for anonymity of members of the virtual community, and its apparent economic efficiency which further creates hurdles in effectively curbing the same. The transparency that ARPANET(The Advanced research projects Agency Network) provides has made it difficult for organizations and individuals to maintain privacy and security and as this transparency and accessibility grows it will lead to increase in cyber crime case which has become one of the most complex issues globally in the legal framework, that can be committed without the need of being physically involved.



Networking And The Legal Field:

Social Networking through sites such as linked In, and Twitter, also help lawyers Connect, collaborate and Communicate. This is beneficial to Professional growth ,networking and Participating in topical discussions. Technology affects lawyers on two levels. First, it allows us to perform traditional tasks more effectively. Second, It is Changing the very nature of what lawyers do. Lawyers and Innovators are both Problem-Solvers at heart. Lawyers are trained to find Problems, but might not be equipped to solve them in the easiest way. Entrepreneurs learn to find the quickest viable solutions and help lawyers automate tasks which solve client’s problems. An Innovation mindset is a core skill for both lawyers and Start-up founders. The future of legal work and the Professional workforce faces dramatic change driven by technology, and an accompanying change in mindset. The Core skills required for lawyers to be market-ready are already shifting to align with the tech-savy needs of tomorrow.